The Gospel of Mark (Ch. 10)

Teresa Teaches on Mark Ch 10

The Gospel of Mark (Ch. 9)

Teacher – Chris De Blaay talks about The Gospel of Mark (Ch. 9)

The Gospel of Mark (Ch. 8)

Teacher – Ricardo Talverez talks about The Gospel of Mark (Ch. 8)

The Gospel of Mark (Ch. 7)

Chris teaches on Mark Chapter 7

The Gospel of Mark (Ch. 6)

Kelly Buist teaches on Mark Chapter 6

The Gospel of Mark (Ch. 3)

Guest preacher Deborah McCreary led us through the first six verses of Mark 3, inviting us to consider how Jesus might be asking us to take a bold step of obedience.

The Gospel of Mark (Ch. 2)

If we’re honest, we often work hard to maintain the status quo. And yet, when we look at Jesus of Nazareth, he seems to be disrupting the status quo. Regularly. What might that mean for our lives? We consider Mark 2 and that question together.

The Gospel of Mark (Ch. 1)

We begin our 16 week journey through the Gospel of Mark in Chapter 1, focusing especially on the 1st half of the chapter.

Advent: The Light Breaks through the Darkness

“And Mary treasured all of these things in her heart.” Mary was present to the moment for sure. How can we be fully present, even in the midst of the hustle and bustle of this Christmas season?

The Two Halves of Life (11.10.19)

Paul’s conversion story in Acts 26 can teach us a lot about spiritual growth. What will we do when we’re faced with something that won’t change? Will we double down or will we surrender, creating space for God’s spirit to work in us? “Growth rarely happens when the ego runs the show.”

The Two Halves of Life (10.13.19)

Today we began a new series in which we will take 7 weeks to consider the two halves of life. Together we’ll consider the journey the Scriptures show us is possible – an adventure we’re all meant to live. Listen here for the introduction to this series.

Refocus (10.2.19)

Today we wrap up our “Refocus” series. Listen as we explore how empathy plays an important role in everything we do.

Refocus: Shape (9.22.19)

Jesus lived his life with the intention of giving away his power and authority. Do we live the same way? As a church, we are wrestling with this too. How will we (1) shape the next generation by sharing life, (2) shape the next generation through intentional times of development, and (3) give away our authority and power?